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Sensory Integration Therapy

We specialize in sensory integration therapy to help children with sensory processing difficulties. We work with children to develop sensory-motor skills and improve their ability to interact with the environment.

Fine Motor Skill Development

At Inspire Therapy Services Inc, we help children improve their fine motor skills, which are essential for activities such as writing, drawing, and using utensils. A variety of techniques are used to engage children and make therapy fun.

Handwriting Improvement

We provide specialized handwriting improvement therapy to help children enhance their writing skills. We use a multisensory approach to teach children the proper mechanics of writing and develop their confidence in this essential skill.

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology therapy focuses on helping individuals utilize tools and devices to enhance their daily functioning and independence. We recommend and train in the use of technology that supports individual needs, ensuring a more accessible and efficient life experience.

Feeding Therapy

Feeding therapy assists children who experience challenges with feeding and swallowing. We utilize a comprehensive range of techniques to help children enhance their feeding skills, develop positive mealtime behaviors, and ensure safe swallowing. Tailored to each child's individual needs, feeding therapy not only focuses on the act of eating but also addresses the sensory, motor, and behavioral aspects associated with food. Our goal is to create a positive and nourishing feeding experience for every child.


Play therapy harnesses the power of play to address developmental and emotional challenges in children. Through structured and unstructured play sessions, we aim to foster essential skills, improve self-expression, and support healthy emotional growth.

Social Skills

Social Skills therapy is designed to enhance interpersonal interactions and relationships. We use various techniques to teach effective communication, empathy, and appropriate social behaviors, helping individuals navigate social environments with confidence.

Life Skills

It is essential for individuals to learn the practical skills needed for daily life. From basic self-care routines to complex problem-solving, we work closely with clients to help them increase their independence and ensure that they can handle real-life challenges effectively.

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